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Inter Faith Week

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Inter Faith Week

What Is Inter Faith Week?

This week at Munchachos, we are celebrating Inter Faith Week. This is a celebration of diversity in the UK, a subject that we hold very close to our hearts here at Munchquarters. 

The aim of the Week is to increase awareness of the different communities in the UK and increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs. Sounds good. What do you think?

How Did it Start?

The origins of the Week can be found in religion. However, Inter Faith Week’s objective is one that should resonate with you whether religious or not. Essentially the message is that of acceptance and a promise to increase understanding of other people’s beliefs and cultures. This sounds familiar

How Is Inter Faith Week Celebrated?

To celebrate the Week, communities across the UK are organising large and small events such as Multi Faith walks; religious workshops; treasure trails and competitions all whose goal is to enable greater interaction between people of different backgrounds. 

Inter Faith Week deliberately begins on Remembrance Sunday (the anniversary of World War 1) every year to give people of different backgrounds the opportunity to remember those who have fought and served during the war – both from the UK and from the countries that have now become the Commonwealth. 

This year it is the Centenary of the end of World War 1 (meaning 100 years have passed since World War 1 ended). Among the special events organised will be the ‘People’s March’ past the Cenotaph in London during which 10,000 members of the public will express their gratitude to the generation that served.  

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Inter Faith Week Cenotaph

The Cenotaph is the UK’s official national war war memorial in London.



At Munchachos we think that Inter Faith Week is a fantastic idea. Even within our very small team we can claim roots from six different countries! We strongly believe that acknowledging and celebrating these different cultural backgrounds makes our lives richer and far more interesting.

Inter Faith Week’s official website can be found here on which you can discover how you can get involved.


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