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“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together” – Woodrow Wilson

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Friendship UN Curiosity

What is International Friendship Day?

International Day of Friendship is observed on July 30th and is celebrated on the first Sunday of August.  The United Nations created the International Day of Friendship to promote the importance of friendship. 

Fun Fact #1: Winnie the Pooh is the Ambassador of Friendship at the UN!


Why Are Friendships Important?

We have listed 5 reasons why we think that friendships are really important:

Live Longer: It has been proven that the stronger your friendships, the healthier and happier you will be! 

Support: Everybody needs a hug sometimes. Your closest friends are there for you in good times and bad to give you the support and love you need.

Learn Loads: You learn loads from your friends by listening to them, playing with them and going on adventures with them. 

Make a Difference: Your friends are the first people to join your team. Together, you can do amazing things such as: collect clothes or raise money for a local charity, play in a sports tournament, complete a science experiment. 

Tell you Truth: Only your closest friends will tell you the real truth. They know you the best and are not afraid of what you think! 


Thomas Aquinas once said said that true friendship is the most prized thing on earth. Do you agree with these reasons? Tell us here!


What Can You Do This Summer?

1. Go Say Hi to Your Neighbour

Whether you are at home or on vacation, the best place to start is with your neighbour. Go say hi and get to know them. 

2. Go Play in the Park 

… or swim in the local pool (wow, it’s so hot!) Wherever you chose to go, try go where there are lots of other children (summer camps are a great example). The more involved you are the likely you are to make new friends!

3. Find Someone Different

Finally, try making friends with someone totally different to you. They are likely to be the most interesting friends you will make. 


So grab a box of Munchachos and go make some new friends this summer. Don’t forget to share! 


How Does This Relate to Who We Are and What We Do?

International Friendship Day is about building ties and bridging gaps between communities and helping make the world a better place. At its very core, this is what Munchachos is all about – making children more curious about the world and its people and by doing so, more comfortable in a multicultural world. Read more here! 



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