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Hungry for Hummus!

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Hummus

We absolutely love hummus here at Munchachos HQ. It is full of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. Most importantly though, it incredibly delicious! We can never get enough of it and find every excuse to eat more hummus. We use it as a dip for our munchables and our carrots and a spread for our toast. 

Are you hungry for hummus and ready to make some of your own?

For this you will need: 

A can (300g) of chickpeas

A clove of garlic

50 ml of extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons tahini paste

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 lemon


Now for the fun part:

Got all your ingredients? Washed your hands? Called your grown up for help? Perfect, lets get making! 

Drain the chickpeas and rinse them with running water. Pour them into a blender. In your blender, add your garlic clove, olive oil, tahini paste and ground cumin. Now it is time to use your muscles. Grab the lemon and squeeze the juice into the blender. Now start blending until the chickpeas transform into a smooth paste. It is really that simple! 

Pro Tip #1: If your hummus is a bit thick, add some water and blend a bit longer. Be careful not to add too much water!

Now pour your hummus into your serving bowl. 

Pro Tip #2: Decorate your hummus with some olive oil and a bit or paprika. 

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Hummus

All that is left now is to call your fellow munchachos, grab your munchables and get dipping! Our favourite is munchable to dip is the Chomps Elise. 


Take a photo of your Hummus, send it to us here and tag us on Instagram (@Munchachos). We cannot wait to see your creations!


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