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You Must Play More!

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Learning through Play and Fun

Is Play Really That Important?

At Munchachos we love to play and have fun. The good news is that there are so many benefits to playing. Everyone should play more. Just because we grow up a bit, it doesn’t mean that we have to get more serious… Play is essential! 


So Why is Play So Important?

Below are the 3 reasons why we believe play is essential:

  1. Become More Creative: Play stimulates your creativity. When you are imagining new worlds, creating new games, adapting and problem solving you are exercising your creativity.  The more often you do it, the better! You know how much we care about creativity – read about it here!  
  2. Make New Friends: The best way to make friends and meet new people is while playing. It is the perfect time to build healthy relationships and form a positive bond. It is also a great way to learn to communicate with and trust others and also work in teams. Do you have a favourite team sport?
  3. Feel Good: Does anyone not feel better during and after play-time? Forget about homework or anything frustrating and just have fun. You will be fresh, full of energy and ready to tackle any problem. 

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Learning through Play and Fun 2

There are so many more benefits such as getting stronger and fitter, learning a new language and exercising memory muscle. We have just listed our top 3 above. What is your favourite reason to play? Write to us here!


How Does This Relate to Who We Are and What We Do?

Fun and learning through play are at our core here at Munchachos. We believe deeply in the benefits of play and, specifically, in encouraging children to have fun, explore, exercise their creativity and make new friends. This is why we have created a healthy, scrumptious and exciting range of snacks and a fun, immersive and informative digital experience. We believe that when you appeal to more than one sense you can increase the amount of fun! So grab your munchables, share them with a friend and have loads of fun exploring the wonderful World of Munchachos!


Sign up to Munchachos here and download our FREE app to explore, have fun, learn loads and get worldwise.

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Our 5 Favourite Books

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity best kids books

Reading is SO important. It helps improve vocabulary and reduce stress. Most importantly though, it takes you to new worlds which inspire your imagination and stimulate your creativity.

It was International Literacy Day on the 8th September. To celebrate the day, we’ve compiled a list of our favourite books — full of gripping tales of action and adventure. Let’s dive in!


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Difficulty ***

Harry Potter is a classic story loved by millions around the globe. It follows the story of Harry, a boy who finds out he’s a wizard and goes to Hogwarts, a wizarding school. He has many adventures fighting the evil Voldemort, which makes for a very entertaining book that’s hard to put down! And if you yearn for more when you finish the book (of course you will!) there are another 6 books after this one!

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Difficulty **

This is a classic tale by C.S Lewis that is over 60 years old! It is the first of the series ‘the Chronicles of Narnia.’ Have you watched the film? It starts in War-torn London, where 5 kids are sent to a house in the countryside to protect them from bombings. One day, a game of hide-and-seek takes the kids through an unsuspecting closet into the magical world of Narnia.

War Horse: Difficulty *

Joey, a red-bay colt horse, is sold to an English farmer, whose son, Albert, raises the horse and teaches him to work their family farm. The horse is taken into World War 1 where he has to carry riders into battle and pull artillery cannons. It’s a gripping, bittersweet tale which is great for learning about the devastating effects of war, not just on the lives of humans but on animals’ lives too.

Matilda: Difficulty **

One of Roald Dahl’s best-loved stories, this book tells the tale of a girl and her family; the Wormwoods. Her father is a crook who cheats people on car sales, her mother barely acknowledges her existence, and her brother is mean to her. She does to a school where the headmistress, the infamous Trunchbull, rules with an iron fist. One day, Matilda discovers she has special powers, and she uses them to help the good people in her life and prevent bad people from hurting them. It’s a very funny, entertaining book! If you could pick any super power, what would it be? Let us know in the comments section below!

*Challenge yourself* The Lord of the Rings – Fellowship of the Ring: Difficulty *****

This is a very tough read, but it is also very rewarding. The lord of the rings spans 3 books, which follow the journey of Frodo, a Hobbit who must journey into the frightful land of Mordor to destroy a ring of evil which has fallen into his possession. The ring, forged by the dark lord Sauron, is of great importance to many different characters, who all try to take the ring off Frodo. It’s a long journey to Mordor, so hopefully he packed some Munchables for the road!

How this relates to who we are and what we do?

At Munchachos HQ, we believe that creativity is one of the most (if not the most) important skill to have in the modern world. The creativity of people has produced famous artworks, songs and films. It has brought our species to the deepest point on Earth and to the Moon and back. Creativity will play an even more important role as our world becomes more and more complicated. We believe that curiosity leads to greater creativity – we even wrote about it here.

Books are a fantastic way to inspire the imagination, so by providing a list of some of our favourite books, we hope our Munchachos around the world can hone their creativity and get inspiration.


Sign up to Munchachos here and download our FREE app to explore, have fun, learn loads and get worldwise.

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Tzatziki Time!

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Tzatziki Take Tzat Greece

Yia sas Munchachos! (That’s ‘hello Munchachos’ in Greek)!

Looking for an exciting and easy way to recreate some of those amazing flavours you discovered during the summer? Look no further! We have the perfect recipe for the most delicious tzatziki dip. It also happens to be the ideal dip for pita (and just about anything else). So grab your Take Tzat munchables and get making and tasting!


180g of the creamiest Greek yoghurt

30g cucumber

A small garlic clove

Half a lemon and its zest

½ tablespoon of olive oil

A pinch of salt and pepper



Pour the yoghurt into a big bowl. Grate the cucumber and add it to the yoghurt. Now crush the small garlic clove and add that to the bowl with the lemon juice, lemon zest olive oil and salt and pepper. 

Time to get stirring until smooth and creamy and that’s it! It is really that simple!

Pour your tzatziki into a serving bowl and you can even decorate it with some mint leaves. 

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Tzatziki Take Tzat Greece Santorini

Have the flavours transported you to Santorini?


Fun Fact: Greek yoghurt is a wonderful source of protein and calcium. It is also packed with probiotics. An ideal snack for your growing Munchachos!

Pro Tip #1: Try adding a bit of dill to your tzatziki


Take a photo of your Tzatziki, send it to us here and tag us on Instagram (@Munchachos). We cannot wait to see your creations!


How this relates to who we are and what we do?

Our delicious Munchables come from all around the world, incorporating many different recipes from different cultures and countries. By providing recipes in our blog, we hope to expand the curiosity of our young Munchachos and give them a taste of the world around them.


Sign up to Munchachos here and download our FREE app to explore, have fun, learn loads and get worldwise.

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Back to School (already)?

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Back to school

Fellow Munchachos, can you believe that the new school year is about to start? It is almost time to see old friends, talk about all your summer adventures, continue learning the mysteries of our world and have fun!

It is always important to be prepared, so we’ve made a small checklist to help you assemble all you need for the upcoming year (you can thank us later):


  1. Do you have a cool school bag to put your stationery and books in?
  2. Do you have all the essential stationery? Pencil, pen, rubber, ruler, glue stick, highlighters and colouring pencils? Do you have a small homemade catapult for launching rubbers at your friends while the teacher’s back is turned? No? Just me? Ok.
    Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Back to school
  3. Are you excited to make new friends and catch up with your old friends? Are you curious to hear about their summer vacation?
  4. Did you have a funderful summer holiday? Are you ready for the year ahead, with all the new adventures in store?
  5. Do you have a favourite game you can play with your friends outdoors or indoors? My personal favourite was an outdoor game called Pac-Man, which was a variation of the original arcade game. It’s like Tag but you can only run along the painted lines of the playground (yes, I know I’m old).
    Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Back to school
  6. Do you have a book that you can read during school or at break?
  7. Have you mastered the art of making paper aeroplanes? They can be very useful for sending messages across the playground, and the right designs can fly very far. The favourite design at Munchachos HQ is the basic dart. We call our paper planes ‘Munchachos Airways.’
    Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Back to school
  8. And finally, but most importantly, do you have your latest Munchables? Our snacks fit easily in a bag or lunchbox, making them the perfect breaktime treat to eat and share with your friends!



At Munchachos, our core ethos is making sure kids are healthy and happy, not only in body but in mind. Part of being healthy in mind is being comfortable in a new environment. This is why we believe being prepared for school and seeing it as a new adventure is so important. There is so much fun to be had! Now make sure you only get the good stuff into your body (none of that bad stuff). So grab your specially designed delicious Munchables to fuel your body and mind!



Sign up to Munchachos here and download our FREE app to explore, have fun, learn loads and get worldwise.

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Crazy Snacks from Around the World

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Crazy Snacks Insects

Here at Munchachos HQ, we have been spending our summer curiously looking for inspiration for our latest munchables. Here are some of the craaaaaaaziest snacks we’ve found from around the world: 

1. Starfish
Country of origin: China
Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Crazy Snacks China Starfish
Who knew these undersea creatures would make such an intriguing snack? You can practically taste the sea in them.

2. Horse Ice Cream
Country of origin: Japan

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Crazy Snacks Japan Horse Ice Cream
Around the world horse is often considered a delicacy, and so some ice cream shops in Japan have started selling their own brand of horse flavoured Ice Cream!


3. Ant Eggs
Country of origin: Mexico

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Crazy Snacks Mexico Ant Eggs
Also known as Escarole, ant eggs can be used in a salad, or in filling for other foods like Tacos. Strangely filling…


4 .Chicken and Waffles
Country of origin: USA

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Crazy Snacks USA Chicken and Waffles
Usually when we think of a delicious waffle accompaniment, we think of ice cream, bananas or maple syrup. However, in some places in the United States you can find waffles with deep-fried chicken, often accompanied by maple syrup, shredded cheese or chives. Chicken is to food what a pair of jeans is to fashion; it goes with everything!


5 .Stargazy Pie
Country of origin: United Kingdom

Munchachos Snacks Children: World Curiosity Crazy Snacks UK Stargazy Pie
This is a very interesting type of pie found in Cornwall, in the UK. It’s made with baked Pilchard (a type of fish), potatoes, and eggs for a filling. It gets its unique name from the way the fish are places in the pie so their heads jut out and look at the sky. Often served with parsley as an added decoration.

Have you tried any of the snacks above? Would you like us to try make some? Let us know here.

There you have it Munchachos, the 5 craziest, coolest snacks we’ve found on our adventures around the world. 

How Does This Relate to Who We Are and What We Do?

We love to celebrate our commonalities and learn from our differences. Who would have thought that there are so many different and exciting snacks our there? There is so much to learn and explore. Don’t waste any more time, embark on your worldwise funderful adventure!


Sign up to Munchachos here and download our FREE app to explore, have fun, learn loads and get worldwise.